For small and big adventurers

Kids & family

For small and big adventurers

Bring the family to Halle- and Hunneberg for a day full of play, learning, and nature experiences. There’s something for everyone to enjoy as you create memories together.

Hike along scenic trails where you might spot moose and other exciting wildlife, enjoy a picnic at one of our cozy barbecue spots, or burn off some energy at the Trollskogen playground. Visit Kungajaktmuseet Älgens Berg to learn all about the forest king with exhibits that captivate both young and old! Rent mountain bikes or hop into a canoe—there’s always something to do here.

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15 mars
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11 jan
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We've got activities for the whole family

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Ordna bröllop, fest eller kanske världens största kurragömma i skogen?
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The glamping at halle och hunneberg
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Sights along the way:
From limestone caves to ancient relics
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Sights along the way:
View over Lake Vänern

You can see Lake Vänern from the hills. At the top of Hallesnipen, you'll find Predikstolen, offering breathtaking views and a panorama of Sweden's largest lake.

Sights along the way:
Limestone Caves

Several locations on Halle- and Hunneberg feature cavities in the mountains. These are remnants of old limestone caves from the 1700s, where both limestone and slate were extracted. There are also remains of lime kilns and piles of burnt alum shale on the mountains. Explore the caves from the outside, as there is a significant risk of collapse.

Sights along the way:
The Rock Wall

Both Halleberg and Hunneberg consist of sandstone, alum shale, and diabase. It is the diabase cliffs that give the mountains their unique appearance. If you get tired of the vast views from the top of the mountains, it's just as beautiful to look up at the cliffs.

Sights along the way:

Det 36 meter höga Skäktefallet, även kallat Brudslöjan, breder ut sig vid foten av Halleberg. Du når fallet både uppifrån och nedifrån via vandringsleder. Bara några kilometer bort ligger också det 25 meter höga Byklevsfallet, med stigar på vardera sida om fallet.

Upcoming events on the mountains
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Playground Trollskogen

Welcome to Trollskogen playground! The trolls Halle and Hunne, along with the owl Spanarn, have prepared lots of fun activities for the whole family, from pine cone golf to a forest obstacle course.